A woman in blue shirt holding a purse and walking.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Travel Nursing

The allure of travel nursing is undeniable. Drawn by its attractive pay—typically 15-20% higher than permanent positions—flexible arrangements, and the chance to experience new cities, cultures, and healthcare systems However,…
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A doctor holding something in his hand

2030: The year of healthcare transformation

Change is constant in any field, and 2030 brings a coming-of-age transformation: the healthcare digital transformation. Major changes in the design of health systems and health services are occurring over…
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A surgeon in the operating room looking at a computer screen.

Technology in Healthcare

New technology has emerged to assist health professionals in better managing their patients by lowering the risks associated with direct contact. Now, the future of healthcare is shaping up in…
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A man in a suit and tie standing up against a white background.

Voca Appoints David James as President

Cincinnati, OH (November 1, 2023) – Voca, a prominent provider of total talent management and workforce solutions nationwide, with a specialized focus in healthcare, has named David James as President.…
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A group of doctors and nurses sitting in a circle.

3 Ways to Improve Communication in Nursing

Communication in nursing is one of the most powerful tools nurses use when providing patient care. As nurses find themselves always surrounded by people, whether they are doctors or patients,…
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